Thursday, January 19, 2012

Success Factors In Paid Search Marketing

Category: Other Money Making Ideas

Google takes into consideration more than 200 factors in order to determine how to rank a web site in the organic SERPs. Fortunately, with paid search things are not so complicated but there are still many factors that have to be taken into account that relate mostly to the Quality Score. However, there is still plenty to get your head around and ROI is also a lot easier to measure.

Before creating a paid search campaign you should do a structured analysis broken down by the main success factors. It is recommended to conduct the analysis at the following two levels: I) keyword level ii) campaign level.

The main factors which will affect your position, click volume and cost-effectiveness for an individual keyword on a particular search engine network are:

COST PER CLICK: Paid search uses an auction type arrangement. Initially search engines used bid alone as a criteria to rank a listing higher but nowadays search engines algorithms have become more sophisticated, taking into consideration many more qualities.

QUALITY BASED POSITIONING: The search engines now are taking into consideration the relevancy of the ad determined, in particular through its clickthrough rate and other Quality Score Factors.

KEYWORD MATCHING CRITERIA: Keyword matching is a very important technique with pay per click that gives paid search specialists exact control on the ads they want to display for each group of keywords (ad group). Keyword matching is performed according to different match types specified by the advertisers. The three main types are broad matching, exact matching and negative matching.

If you apply Broad Matching criteria to your keywords then a search engine will attempt to discover other terms that search engines deem relevant to your ad.If you apply precise matching criteria your keywords then a search engine will not attempt to produce any variations with the phrase order or additional terms.Negative matching is important to any PPC campaign as it can help filter unwanted traffic before a user even reaches your landing page. Google, Yahoo! and Bing all support negative keyword matching but each one approach it a little differently.

CREATIVE: The relevance of ad creative for search will affect your positions in search networks such as Google Adwords, Microsoft adCenter and Yahoo since all these networks use quality-based positioning criteria. The higher CRT your ads receive the higher placement they will receive, achieving better quality score.

LANDING PAGE: This the destination page where the user is taken after clicking on the ad. The more focused the landing page around the ad the bigger the chances that the users will convert. Improving the landing pages requires making a lot of changes to the page copy itself and also tweaking various elements of the page until you get the best results.

USE OF CONTENT NETWORK: The content network is where sponsored links are displayed by the search engine on a network of third-party sites. The content network requires a different approach since users are more in “browse” mode and they tend to click less on the ads. For the best results this requires a different approach to targeting, bidding and creative.

TIME OF DAY (Dayparting): Knowing which days of the week and hours of the day to focus your budget helps increase ROI.

POSITIONING IN SPONSORED LISTINGS: By combining all the above mentioned factors and targeting the best listing position you can maximize the ROI from Paid Adverting.

Stefanos Anastasiadis is the Organic Manager at AlexandAlexa is an online luxury boutique selling kids clothes for boys, girls and babies from the most sought after brands and international designers.

View the original article here

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